A father’s joy and pride is most expressed through his children, their character, their decisions, the life they live. God blessed me with five amazing kids to care for–and I am always humbled by this, to know that my actions both good and bad have an eternal impact on them all. All of them have seen me at my best and worst, and that is why I am grateful for grace.
That being said, I had the honor of capturing Madilyn’s engagement pictures this past weekend with her finance George. The joy I have, can not be expressed in words, and once again God humbles me. I’d like to think that the expression of love and caring that Angela and I have shown to one another over of the years has been imprinted on my children. If that is true, I was witness to it this past weekend when spending time with Madi and George.
I am sharing some of those images with you all in celebration of their love and adoration for one another. Madilyn, I am so happy that you found someone like George to care for you and walk along you side in this crazy world. Love you, Dad
(I first shared this on Facebook and thought it was worthy to share with the rest of the world. Madilyn is my oldest daughter and first child to get engaged.)